Wind Pressure load

The structure of the Pyramidkogel wooden tower was secured based on scientific wind pressure experiments, considering the top of the mountain, 800 meters above sea level, where especially in the Alphs, climate change is rampant. The Pyramidkogel wooden tower was designed to withstand wind speeds of 135Km per hour.

Photo : Kramer

Windkanalversuch Wacker Ingenieure (D)

Resultate des Windkanalversuchs :

  • Windlast : max w = 1,57 kN/m2(100m)
  • dynamisches Verhalten/ dynamischer Faktor : R = 1,10 (vergrößert die Windlast)
  • horizontale Beschleunigung :
    v = 0,8%g …2,45%g
    akzeptabel für Bürogebäude
Photo : Kramer